
Installing the Db2 Community Edition Docker image on macOS systems

You can use the Db2® Community Edition to quickly develop, test, and build applications to work with your business’s operational and analytic workloads.

About this task

This procedure installs a Docker image of Db2 11.5.4 Community Edition on Apple macOS systems of version 10.10 or higher, equipped with Hyperkit. Hyperkit is a lightweight macOS virtualization solution built on top of the Hypervisor framework. The procedure assumes that you have Docker installed on a macOS system, using the steps outlined in Install Docker Desktop on Mac. The Db2 Community Edition Docker image has the following, preset limitations:

  • Memory limit: 16GB
  • Core limit: 4 cores
  • Database size: 100GB


1.From the command line, create a new directory in which to store your database data:

mkdir Docker

2.Go to this directory by entering the following command:

cd Docker

3.Pull the Db2 Docker image from Docker Hub:

docker pull ibmcom/db2

4.Create an environment variables file, .env_list, for your Db2 Community Edition image:

vi .env_list

5.Paste the following into the environment variables file:


// 非常重要!!!! 
// 非常重要!!!!

  • LICENSE accepts the terms and conditions of the Db2 software contained in this image
  • DB2INSTANCE specifies the Db2 instance name
  • DB2INST1_PASSWORD specifies the password of the Db2 instance
  • DBNAME creates an initial database with the name provided (leave empty if no database is needed)
  • BLU sets BLU Acceleration for the Db2 instance to enabled (true) or disabled (false)
  • ENABLE_ORACLE_COMPATIBILITY sets Oracle compatibility on the instance to enabled (true) or disabled (false)
  • UPDATEAVAIL can be set to YES if there is an existing instance running a new container with a higher Db2 level.
  • TO_CREATE_SAMPLEDB creates a sample (pre-populated) database (true)
  • REPODB creates a Data Server Manager repository database (true)
  • IS_OSXFS identifies the operating system as macOS (true)
  • PERSISTENT_HOME is set to true by default and should only specified as false when running Docker for Windows
  • HADR_ENABLED configures Db2 HADR for the instance (true). The following three environment variables depend on HADR_ENABLED being set to true:
    • ETCD_ENDPOINT specifies your own provided ETCD key-value store. Enter your endpoints with a comma (and no space) as the delimiter. This environment variable is required if HADR_ENABLED is set to true
    • ETCD_USERNAME specifies the username credential for ETCD. If left empty, it will use your Db2 instance
    • ETCD_PASSWORD specifies the password credential for ETCD. If left empty, it will use your Db2 instance password

6.Save the file by pressing ESCAPE (ESC), and entering:


7.Enter and run the following command to enter the Docker container:

docker run -h db2server --name db2server --restart=always --detach --privileged=true 
-p 50000:50000 --env-file .env_list -v /Users/<username>/Docker:/database ibmcom/db2
  • -h assigns the name db2server to the Docker container.
  • -p specifies the port numbers to use.
  • --privileged starts the container in privileged mode.
  • -v defines the volume used for the Db2 Docker image.

8.Enter the following command to access the running Db2 instance within your Docker container:

docker exec -ti db2server bash -c "su – db2inst1"

where db2inst1 is the value associated with the DB2INSTANCE variable in your .env_list file.

9.You can now create a Db2 database within the active instance.